The Head Trash + Healing Show with Alexia Leachman

The Head Trash + Healing Show with Alexia Leachman

COVID Anxiety and how to deal with it

June 18, 2021

With so much uncertainty around right now, the only certainty seems to be this: COVID anxiety is a thing and it's becoming more of a problem as time goes by. COVID anxiety is affecting mental health for a lot of people and we need to do something about it. What is COVID anxiety? It's the various aspects of  COVID that are creating additional anxieties in people. For me this is not the same as simply having a higher level of anxiety due to the pressures of living with COVID.Some people are reporting that since COVID came into our lives, they are now experiencing anxiety where they didn't before. In this episode I explore the various aspects of COVID anxiety and how you can begin address it, if that's what you want.   Head Trash Clearance Tips for COVID Anxiety If you want to tackle your COVID anxiety, then it's worth exploring each of these aspects and identifying what it is about those things that brings up fear or anxiety for you.There's a lot here to unravel and it will be different for everyone, but here are some things that I would expect to see on someone's Head Trash Clearance To-Do list if they wanted to reduce their COVID anxiety. COVID Getting ill Wearing a mask Uncertainty Changes Being told what to do COVID Anxiety Pack To help you I have created a COVID Anxiety Pack that includes the most common COVID anxieties. The COVID Anxiety Pack includes Clearance Tracks and Clearance Mantras to help you to tackle the most common COVID anxieties. There is also a COVID Anxiety section in the the Clearance Club. The Clearance Club is a vault of 100s of Head Trash Clearance Mantras and Tracks to help you to clear the head trash from a wide range of themes in your life; weight loss & eating, decision-making, health anxieties, medical fears, etc. Find out more about the Clearance Club here.