The HeadStuff Podcast

The HeadStuff Podcast

Oscars 2016 – InHouse #4

February 25, 2016

We had some trouble this week! Conor, who produces and engineers The HeadStuff Podcast had his van broken into. And then, after a day, it got broken into again! On both of those days we had planned a recording session. Poor aul Conor was a broken man, so we did what we could. Some of his recording equipment was taken, and his laptop, so he had to make do with my laptop until he gets hooked up with a new one. Anyway, there we are and here we are.

Oscars 2016

You'll hear six wonderful voices on this episode. We have Ged Murray, who does a lot of the film reviews on HeadStuff, Peter Morris, the HeadStuff film editor, Eimear Gavin, designer and film buff, and Mikey Fleming, HeadStuff logo creator and podcast artwork maker (and short video director).
We talk about the, so called, best films of the year. The best directors, best actors and actresses, which films looked the best, which animations were good, the documentaries worth watching, which movies were snubbed, and which movies were bad (looking at you The Danish Girl).

Of course, no conversation about the Academy Awards would be complete without talking about diversity. Are the #OscarsSoWhite? Were minorities overlooked for the second year in a row? Are the roles not there for diverse actors? We totally solve all the the Academy's issues.

Plus, a handy guide to how the nominating and voting system works for the Oscars 2016 by Mikey, using a poker analogy (actually, not really).

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Sound by Wilkins Sound Systems | Theme by Video Blue | Art by Mikey Fleming.