Head Shrink Inc.

Head Shrink Inc.

Latest Episodes

PTSD and your teen
January 20, 2022

Covid has created a unique situation, where your kiddo could more likely be suffering from mental health issues. PTSD is something that is very prevalent in teens. Checkin in with them is important!

The Great unfriending of 2022
January 13, 2022

Social media is horrible. Why do you still tolerate bad behavior from people that you follow on Social media. Be brave and unfriend.

SAD...what is it and what can you do about it?
November 29, 2021

SAD impacts adults during the winter months. Do you have it? If so there is something you can do about it!

Relationships and Holidays
November 05, 2021

It's that time of year again. What are you doing to make sure that your holidays are enjoyable?

The 3 C's of good parents
September 24, 2021

If you think you're doing pretty good as a parent, are you using the 3 c's?

Are you being refined?
July 30, 2021

If you are in any kind of relationship, you are being refined. The question is what do you do with being refined....embrace it or ignore it...

How do you deal with difficult relationships?
July 14, 2021

Are you open handed or close-fisted towards people. The answer will show how emotionally intelligent you may be.

Gaslighting...how to recognize it and what to do
May 07, 2021

Do you know a gas lighter? What have you done about it. It can be a hard relationship to get out of.

Kids crave consistency
March 19, 2021

DId you know that your kiddo craves you being consistent? It's hard, but they want you to be consistent so badly! Are you able to be consistent? If not, why not?

Peace on Earth Good will to all people
December 18, 2020

Are you promoting peace on earth or preventing it?