The Hayseed Report | Conservative Political Commentary, Talk ,and Opinion

The Hayseed Report | Conservative Political Commentary, Talk ,and Opinion

Left and the Sexual Debauchery - Ep 65

March 11, 2013

Yale teaches kids that having sex with donkeys or incest is normal, by a person who claims to be a sexologist. Yes you read that correctly. One of our prestigious schools, that costs way too much, had a Sex store owner  come down and have a little discussion with some students and using the power of anonymity told them that it is perfectly normal to have sex with an animal, or to be paid to have sex.  This is a great example of where all the hippies of the 60's ran off to when they found out their communes were unsustainable.

Eric Holder is OK with Obama using drones to kill Americans on American soil. Along with Big Sis Janet Napolitano amassing her own personal army under the name of the Department of Homeland Security. They are a lining themselves with the authority of the NDAA in a way that is making the normal people of America very nervous.

And Hugo Chavez is dead and so Sean Penn needs a new friend, and if you can find one for Oliver Stone too! that would be super. But we shouldn't joke because the Main Stream Media were saddened too because they lost a great dictator that they looked up to.