The ODDentity Podcast

The ODDentity Podcast

S3 Ep. 7: Forked Up & Haunted

January 15, 2019

Welcome back for another creepy season of Haunt Heads!
This week, Katie’s hitting the thrift shops and bargain basements and talking about the objects we find at second hand stores and the energies they hold. Janine visits 17th century France and tells the (often disturbing) tale of Tarrare the glutton.
This episode contains some awesome podcast recommendations, a disappearing fork, transference of spiritual energy, and a massive gastrointestinal upset.
WARNING: This episode might be a little much for some of our listeners. Janine’s piece begins at roughly 59 minutes in. If you can’t handle the insanely creepy and grotesque (including cannibalism and a brief mention of infanticide) , we understand. You’ve been warned.
Our theme song is St. James Infirmary by Fox and Branch. Find more of their music at