The ODDentity Podcast

The ODDentity Podcast

S3 Ep. 3: Caged & Enraged/Honest Abe

September 23, 2018

We’re back from our Summer hiatus and ready to deliver spooky tales to delight and terrify! This week, Mimi goes political and talks about the ghost of Abraham Lincoln and hauntings at the White House and Janine explores human darkness and despair at Pennhurst Asylum in Pennsylvania.
This episode contains naked Winston Churchill (did that dude even own clothes?), a ghostly little girl, tales of heartwrenching parental disappointment, and a haunted experience that perhaps shouldn’t be (according to your fellow Haunt Heads.)
Trigger Warning: This episode contains stories of abuses in an asylum. Many of the accounts may be too much for some listeners. Listener discretion is advised. Janine goes first this week, so feel free to skip. We understand.
Mimi’s source material: