Harmony UU Podcast

Harmony UU Podcast

Latest Episodes

Ep. 31: Finding Answers on the Road
January 23, 2019

So, why would a guy looking at middle age want to drive 3,000 miles in barely a week, looping through a huge swath of the parts of the country that generally don’t make it into National Geographic, camping along the way,

Ep. 30: The Four Agreements
January 22, 2019

From the July 15, 2018 service, Harmony UU member Emily Parnin shares her thoughts on the book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, The Four Agreements offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our l...

Ep. 29: Paradox
January 22, 2019

In this podcast of our July 1, 2018 service, guest speaker Joel Tishken shares his thoughts on the paradoxes inherent in our lives as UU’s. Read more about this sermon at https://harmonyuu.org/the-sermons/paradox/

Ep. 28: Left Behind: What Do the End Times Mean to a UU?
July 20, 2018

In this podcast of our June 17, 2018, service, Harmony UU Music Director Dale Bodmer shares his thoughts on the concept of “end times” from a UU perspective. Read more details about this sermon here: https://harmonyuu.

Ep. 27: At the Tipping Point: The Matter of Belief and of Faith
July 20, 2018

Our culture is at a tipping point, making the matter of belief and faith more important than ever. In this podcast of our June 3, 2018, service, Harmony UU member Dick Galloway examines what happens when your beliefs fall apart—and how faith could help...

Ep. 26: Reflections on Finding Hope and the Healing Power of Prayer?
May 24, 2018

Thoughts and prayers are readily offered up during times of need, but what impact, if any, does this really have?  In this podcast episode of our May 20, 2018, service, Harmony UU member Julie Gebhart challenges our perceptions of the healing power of ...

Ep. 25: The Importance of Recognizing “The Other”
May 07, 2018

Why do we need to acknowledge “other” voices—both in our community and within ourselves—if we want to build a culture of inclusion and diversity? In this podcast episode of our May 6, 2018, service, Harmony UU member Jerry Jackson shares some personal ...

Ep. 24: Hunger and Poverty in Cincinnati
April 18, 2018

Did you know that more than 30 percent of residents of the city of Cincinnati live in poverty, yet the rate of poverty in all of Ohio is less than 15 percent? In this podcast episode of our April 15, 2018, service,

Ep. 23: Easter to April Fool’s: A Confluence of Peoples, Ideas, and Cultures
April 05, 2018

Let’s talk about paganism and where Easter really came from. We have all kinds of things happening on this day and we celebrate all of them: the Easter bunny, eggs, the goddess Ēostre, Jesus, daffodils. In this podcast episode of our April 1, 2018,

Ep. 22: Lying in the Age of Reason
March 09, 2018

Is it always wrong to lie? If not, when is it OK? In this podcast episode of our March 4, 2018, service, Harmony UU member Paul Smith discusses what can we learn from religion, philosophy, and science about lying,