Happy Fun Smiles

Happy Fun Smiles

Una Alma / Synesthesia

November 13, 2019

Between the galaxies there is amazing darkness and reliably we are together again. Something loves us. What’s in the middle of awareness, reality, and perception? What is actually real and does it matter? Let’s all hold hands and stare at the sun until the answers become burned into the only eye left functioning, the third one. It’s right between your other two and about 30 degrees upwards. JK! DON’T DO THAT! IF YOU DIDN’T HAVE EYES NOTHING WOULD HAVE AMAZING BEAUTIFUL COLOR. We love you and it’s real, help us persist in our communities growth by sharing and rating your show, yes yours, this is 100% for you. Go ahead it feels good to help something you love. Until next time jerad wants you to remember this, If you didn’t exist. neither would anything else.