Happiness of Pursuit

Happiness of Pursuit

HOP #113: Building a PR Community Through an Abundance Mindset with Jen Berson

April 26, 2021

As entrepreneurs, we can make a huge impact in our world. Jen Berson has done just that and found a way to help others in her profession by creating a membership for PR professionals that teaches them how to become pitching powerhouses!  Jennifer Berson is the President & Founder of Jeneration PR, a Public Relations & Social Media Marketing firm specializing in promoting beauty, baby & lifestyle brands, and Jeneration Academy, an online educational platform for entrepreneurs that includes courses, resources, and the Jeneration Insiders Facebook community. Prior to founding Jeneration PR in 2005, Jen was a civil litigation attorney in Los Angeles. In today’s episode, we are talking about Jen’s journey, what she has launched, and diving into how her journey contributed to be able to pay it forward and help others in what are very unprecedented times.  Find out more about Jen at:  www.profitableprpros.com Find the full show notes at: https://douglasfoley.com/hop-113-building-a-pr-community-through-an-abundance-mindset