The 3 Keys To Living A Happier Healthier Fitter Life

The 3 Keys To Living A Happier Healthier Fitter Life

Latest Episodes

Love Yourself
February 26, 2019

READ this post (5min) Why is loving yourself important? Tell me, do you love yourself? Or, does the whole notion of loving yourself make you feel uncomfortable? Many of us believe that loving ourselves is not only vein and selfish,

Declutter Everything
December 09, 2018

READ this post (10min): What is clutter? Clutter is anything that you no longer need, no longer use, or which no longer serves you. Examples include, useless computer files, worn-out jeans, or an unfulfilling relationship. Decluttering therefore,

Prevent Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency
October 17, 2018

READ this post (2min): Almost one billion of us take vitamin and mineral supplements, provided by an industry fast approaching two hundred billion dollars per year. But why? Often, it’s because we believe that supplements will cure us our deficienci...

Empower Yourself
September 09, 2018

READ this post (2min): What is motivation and why is it so important? Motivation means having a reason to act or behave in a particular way. We can have the best of intentions but without motivation nothing happens.

Maintain Correct Posture
July 20, 2018

READ this post (2min): What is correct posture? Posture is the position you maintain – essentially how you hold your body. Dynamic posture is how you hold yourself when you are moving, like when you are walking,

Eat Organic
June 17, 2018

READ this post (2min): We are what we eat but how many of us actually know what we are really eating? We often think that the food which we eat is safe, however this is hardly the case. Food is really only as safe as it is grown and manufactured,

Write Your Own Story
June 03, 2018

READ this post (2min): Definition: ‘Writing your own story:’ Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom. Thomas Jefferson. Did you know that the Latin root of the word "authenticity" is "author." To write your own story means to be the authe...

Stay Social
May 19, 2018

READ this post (2min): There are many things we should be doing if we want to live happier, healthier, fitter lives. But the one which is the greatest predictor of health and longevity is staying social. Staying social means;

Drink Less Alcohol
May 03, 2018

READ this post (2min): For the most part, Australians have a positive relationship with alcohol.  The majority of us drink moderately, and enjoy having a drink to relax and enjoy a meal with family and friends. However,

Be Grateful
April 20, 2018

READ this post (2min): What does being grateful really mean? Gratitude is the feeling we have when we experience and reflect upon something that is of value to us. This could be something which is given to us or simply a feeling which spontaneousl...
