Luke Humphrey Running

Luke Humphrey Running

Latest Episodes

Workout Variables: Strength Recovery Jogs
November 10, 2020

Last week we discussed recovery repeats for speed workouts. If you missed that post, you can see HERE. This week I want to discuss the…

Workout Variables: Recovery Jogs
November 03, 2020

Last week I wrote about big data and what it told us about training for the mid-packer. I also chimed in about how I felt…

A look at the “Big Data”
October 27, 2020

Ok, so I have to admit that I was awfully intrigued with Amby Burfoot’s new article for Podium Runner. I was very curious to see…

Adjusting Early Season Paces
October 20, 2020

How many times have you set your time goal, thought it looked kinda scary, but still doable? Yeah, me too. Now, how about when you started the training plan and that first workout at your new race pace was staring back at you? Knees shake,

Hiring a coach: Pros and Cons
October 13, 2020

Is having a coach worth it? The answer is, drumroll please, it depends! Believe it or not, ability is not a prerequisite for myself, or any of my other coaches to work with you. In fact, I’d say ability isn’t ever something I particularly look at when ...

Why aren’t my easy days feeling easy?
October 06, 2020

More specifically, the question was, “Once well into the plan do your easy runs truly feel easy?” This was asked by one of our Facebook group members and I believe that he was hinting that his workouts were ok,

Iron levels and runners
September 30, 2020

A little while ago, I posted a quick podcast on the role of carbohydrate and overtraining. When training hard by volume, intensity, or both, the lack of carbohydrates has a direct relationship with performance (and mood).

High carbohydrate intake and overtraining
September 22, 2020

Today I discuss an article from and how even two weeks of hard training with low carbohydrate intake can be detrimental to performance and feelings of well being. A common scenario that I see as a coach is that people train hard for ...

The Fox and the Hedgehog
September 14, 2020

I recently finished reading the book “Good to Great” by Jim Collins. It’s not a running book, it’s actually a book on business. However, as I read the chapters, it became clear that the ideas embodied some great principles that should be applied in man...

Hanson Marathon Method: Choosing the right plan.
September 07, 2020

Being in the right plan can make all the difference in the world. If you are familiar with the plans in the books, then you know that there can be a big difference between what others use as a beginner plan and what the HMM beginner plan looks like.
