Guardian Radio

Guardian Radio

Guardtacular Marty Special

April 20, 2014

Over the course of a studio’s lifetime, the fans get to know some of the people behind the games they play and they earn our love and support as they continue working on future projects. The future of one such iconic personality, Marty O’Donnell was changed forever as his employment with Bungie was terminated last week. In this special episode, we team up with Podtacular, one of our sister podcasts over on the Podkast Network to talk about the influence Marty has had on the Halo and Bungie communities and the futures that are yet to come for Bungie and Marty himself. This is not the end of Marty’s career nor a stumbling block for the success of Destiny that is sure to come, but it has a left a lot of people with saddened spirits about the news, but warm-felt expressions of enthusiasm and support for wherever Marty’s journey may take him. Dust Storm and Brent Gamer from Podtacular and Layne Thomas join us this week to discuss this unfortunate news and what it means for us as Marty fans.

Links mentioned:

Podtacular -

Marty O'Donnell's Webste -

Eurogamer Article -

DBO interview -