Guardian Radio

Guardian Radio

Guardian Radio Episode 53

March 18, 2014

Episode 53 is now deployed! Joining us this week is a very special guest from David Weeks. David, better known as @DestinyAuthor, sits in the guests chair and joins in on the discussion ranging from the latest Bungie Weekly Update to the idea of Community Created Content centered around Destiny. Why has there been so much for a game that isn’t even out yet? Craig also comes to us LIVE from the scene of the Lunar and Planetary Science Convention in Houston, TX.

Don't forget to send in your questions and topics to us to You can also hit us up on Twitter @GuardiansofD. If you enjoy the show you can subscribe to it on iTunes. Be sure to hit us up with a rating and review while you're there.  Join us for the LIVE recording of each episode every Monday on at 10:30PM EST/ 7:30PM PST. If you can't catch the LIVE recording you can catch a replay with the Twitch chat on our YouTube channel. As always…Guardians! Embrace your Destiny!

Links mentioned on the show:

Destiny Dispatch -

Become Legend -

Bungie Weekly Update -