goodshepherdkc Platte County sermons

goodshepherdkc Platte County sermons

Latest Episodes

"The Foreigner" | Fabian Gonzalez
December 15, 2019

A foreigner is someone who was born in a different country than one's own. How is it that we view the foreigner in our culture? Are they welcome? Are they invited to our table? Or are they considered "out" and not included? If Jesus were to show up today

"The Poor" | Cathy McIntire
December 08, 2019

Who are the poor? How would one define “poor”? As Christ followers what does it mean to bring good news to the poor? What does it look like to welcome in the poor?

"The Stranger" | Fabian Gonzalez
December 01, 2019

Jesus says to those who invite in the stranger that they have invited in the living God. But we live in a world where “stranger danger” is the motto. What does it look like to invite in those who are not like you, who have a different background than you,

"Practicing Gratitude" | Fabian Gonzalez
November 24, 2019

In our lives joy seems to be elusive. We want joy and desire it but often times pursue it through experiences that can disappoint us. The author Dr. Brene Brown says, I don't have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness - it's right in front of m

"Lament" | Mike Saou
November 17, 2019

Every human being at some point will have experiences in life where things will go terribly wrong. The “normal” of life will be upset and the proverbial wheels will fall off. Most of these situations we encounter cannot be explained, sudden life-threateni

"Give with Joy" | Fabian Gonzalez
November 10, 2019

One of the greatest things in life is knowing that your sacrifice has blessed another person. When that happens, the reward far outways the initial sacrifice and we can live in the abundance of God.

"Grow in Faith" | Fabian Gonzalez
November 03, 2019

In today's world there is no shortage of opportunities or methods to be generous. How is giving to the Church different than all the other options out there? Why should we give in this specific committed way?

"Share Jesus" | Fabian Gonzalez
October 27, 2019

We tend to make room for the things we value in life- whether thats time, energy, or money. Giving is just as much about motivation as it is resources. We don't give out of guilt or obligation. Giving not only reduces the power of greed in our life, it

"The Church" | Fabian Gonzalez
October 20, 2019

One of the most humble acts of Jesus was to entrust his church to us. Jesus places his entire reputation on us. We are to be God’s representatives in the world, to show the world what God is like. To do this we must empty ourselves to be filled up with Go

"Death on a Cross" | Bryan Rezen
October 14, 2019

In human history there was no death more humiliating than death on a cross. Yet the very Son of God humbled himself to the point of death. How is it that we can humble ourselves to the point of having the same mind as Christ? When we are humble, Jesus is