Growth Origin

Growth Origin

Episode #2 – How to Control Your Dreams

July 03, 2014

In this episode I teach you how to Lucid Dream. Within this episode, you will learn all the information you need to go to sleep and do anything you wish to do in your dream world. You can walk through mirrors, experience your favorite movie or story first hand, or even have a sexual encounter with your biggest crush.
I hope you guys enjoy!

6:25-  Links on hypnagogic visions:


8:30 - This link says that experiencing sleep paralysis out of REM sleep is considered a disorder.

I'm too lazy to look for other writings on correlation between sleep paralysis and sleep walking.

25:15 - Here is the Lewis N. Clark eye mask that I own. Amazon now sells two for the same price that I bought one ages ago. (They're also nifty for sex) "What? I didn't say anything.."

29:45 - What is Sleep Paralysis?

How to wake up from sleep paralysis:


31:00 - Youtube video on swallowing during sleep paralysis:

31:47 -  How to not think:

35:50 - Calea Zacatechichi, Information on it:

This is where I bought my Calea, really awesome website. Cheap Prices:

Forgot to mention in the episode: You will try very hard to convince yourself that the dream wasn't worth recording or that you have better things to do. I do this ALL the time. WRITE DOWN YOUR DREAMS!


If you have any questions regarding lucid dreaming, ask them in the comments section below!