Growth Origin

Growth Origin

Episode #1 – Value and Value Producing with Jack

May 17, 2014

In this episode I speak with Jack about what it means to be a value producer and how being a value producer makes the world a better place to live in. Jack believes that producing value is a necessary step for abundance and that you're living a lie if you believe you can get something for nothing.
We also touch on the silver scandal and how to greet your neighbors. If you've given up on life and are looking for a drastic change, this is the episode for you! Step into Jacks perspective and change the way you think.

27:00 - Me being unsure of references I heard awhile back regarding pirating. A large portion of music pirates actually support the artist, whereas most movie pirates just don't see the value or risk in a going to see a movie that might suck and be a huge waste of valuable time. Most movie pirates will illegally download a movie and some will even go watch it in theaters with friends if it was good. Few people actually buy the movie itself when it's released.

Here's the video of a guy who's trying way to hard to impress you with information on pirating.

28:33 - David Irving and MaidSafe.

30:30 - The Wolves being removed from Yellowstone Park

31:51 - A visual representation of $17 TRILLION in debt.

36:20 - World production numbers of silver.

36:50 - Comex Silver Volume

US Mint Numbers 2013 and 2014

Top silver producing countries  (US produced 32.6 million Oz. in 2012) above stats show we minted 42 million 1 oz eagles in 2014

Total silver mined in 2012 in U.S.: 32.6 million Oz.
Total silver eagles minted in 2012 by the U.S. Mint: 33.7 million Oz.

Keep in mind that US Mint is required by law to only use silver mined in the US, so how did we sell more than we mined?

Here's a video that easily explains the silver scandal and silvers real intrinsic value:

48:15 - Easy to make solar powered heater made of soda pop cans. Google Images

48:17 - Rocket mass heaters that can heat an entire house with small pieces of wood.

48:27 - Gassifyer generators that can power a house with the burning of wood.

49:45 - Noland's Cylinder Head Svc.
1519 Charlotte St., Kansas City, MO 64108

51:15 - SETCELL
500 Delaware St #101, Kansas City, MO 64105

Jack's Twitter Page:

Song: Brewer and Shipley - One Toke Over The Line