Grown As Gamers

Grown As Gamers

Latest Episodes

GaGcast - Episode 174 - Net Neutrality and You
March 02, 2015

Greetings loyal listeners, and thanks for joining us on another episode of the GaGcast. The guys start things off with what they played this week. Ray started things off with Hearthstone and his forays into the raid mechanics present in the game. He’s a

GaGcast - Episode 173 - Law and Blunder
February 16, 2015

Greetings loyal listeners, and thanks for joining us on another episode of the GaGcast. This week the guys dive right into what they played during the past week. Fred spent a considerable amount of time with Evolve which finally dropped this week. The gam

GaGcast - Episode 172 - Ramble-O-Matic
February 09, 2015

Hello listeners and thanks for joining us on another week of the GaGcast. It’s a pretty relaxed show this week. The guys talk about Ray’s movie blinders and James’ feelings about the ending of the Last of Us. There’s also some general TV talk as w

Cap N’ Ton Show - Episode 10 - Love is in the Panel
February 08, 2015

On the 10th episode of the Cap 'n Ton show, Ray and James are joined by fan of the show Liz Miller to talk about their top five best comic book romances.  The couples that they talk about range from the expected to the unexpected.  Some of those couplin

GaGcast - Episode 171 - Mr. Kirk Goes to Washington
February 02, 2015

Hello loyal listeners!  This week our intrepid captain have dove deep into the murky waters of National Harbor to bring back his experiences of MAGfest, the music and games festival (it's anything but conventional).  He covers the several experiences he

GaGcast - Episode 170 - RPG Theater 301
January 26, 2015

Welcome loyal listeners, and thanks for joining us on another episode of the GaGcast. This week it's only Fred, Ray, and Nate as James is in National Harbor attending MAGfest. The guys jump right into what they played this week starting with Nate. This w

GaGcast - Episode 169 - Comeback at me bro
January 19, 2015

Hello loyal listeners, and thanks for joining us on another episode of the GaGcast. It’s been awhile but the guys finally take some time to talk about what they’ve been playing for the last few weeks. Ray spent most of his time with tabletop RPG’s r

GaGcast - Episode 168 - Who the hell are you guys?
January 12, 2015

Welcome GaGateers and thanks for joining us on another episode of the GaGcast. This week our lovely producer Laura has us candidly answer some questions so that you can get to know us better. Whether you’ve been with us since the beginning or are a new

GaGcast - Episode 167 - The Golden Loadies 2014
January 05, 2015

Hello loyal listeners and thanks for joining us on another episode of the GaGcast. This week we present our yearly Golden Loadie Awards so there’s not much to say in the preview. We love to share the things we love and that’s what this episode is all

GaGcast - Episode 166 - Avast Ye Mid-season Spoilers!
December 29, 2014

Hello loyal listeners, and thanks for joining us on another week of the GaGcast. There’s not much new stuff to cover this week but there’s a lot of content in the show. Nate, Ray, and James sit down and talk about this past season of TV and their thou