Grown As Gamers

Grown As Gamers

Cap n’ Ton Show – Flarrow

May 29, 2015

James and Ray hook in this week to give their impressions and grades on the seasons of CW’s Arrow and Flash shows which will be herein referred to as “The Flarrow Universe”.  The guys, after grading each show give their goods and bads to attempt to justify to each other and you why the grades were given.  Is Oliver too dark and broody?  Where did that helmet come from at the end of the season?  Will we ever get the apology we deserve for the portrayal of Iris West?  All this and more answered this week by Cap and Ton.  #Flarrowflourishes


Image credit to redbubble user mattuc, used without permission but with the hope he sells some T-Shirts cuz dang, they're pretty sweet. Check out his stuff!

Music credit used royalty free to Matti Paalanen of Creative Commons Music.


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