Grown As Gamers

Grown As Gamers

GaGcast - Episode 182 - MEPAcon 2015

April 27, 2015

Cap n’ Ton went shippin’ up to Scranton this weekend to attend MEPAcon, the Mid Eastern PA Gaming Convention!  In addition to having entirely too good of a time, they got to interview several special guests!

To start, (and with the help of GaGeteer Liz (who helped the ENTIRE weekend),  they talk to Neil Spicer, freelance writer for Pathfinder Adventures and executive partner for Legendary Games.

After which is Brendan LaSalle with Goodman Games and the creator of Xcrawl, who in addition to all of his writing talents is a self-proclaimed omelette chef and forklift operator.  Talent!  (18:30m)

Next up is Ed Lehman, not only the director and owner of MEPAcon (which runs twice a year!  Look to November 13-15, 2015 for the next one!), but also runs games at the event as well.  (40m)

And to help wrap up is Bobby Harring, venture captain for the Pathfinder society and attendee of the con, they comment on their experiences throughout the convention! (54:30m)

So have a listen and learn about one of the best RPG conventions in the area as well as some new upcoming info for some of our interviewees new projects!

James, Ray and a very animated Brendan LaSalle


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Unlicensed music courtesy Matti Paalanen, from Creative Commons Music.