Growing Our Family - Pregnancy Podcast

Growing Our Family - Pregnancy Podcast

46: Pelvic Floor during Pregnancy with Dr. Lauren Crigler

April 13, 2020

Pregnancy Podcast – Episode 46: Pelvic Floor during Pregnancy with Dr. Lauren Crigler

For the full show notes, visit:    

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Dr. Lauren Crigler, doctor of physical therapy and pelvic health specialist, treats pregnant and postpartum patients so I wanted to have her on because I knew my audience could learn a lot and get great value from what she has to say. 

Take Dr. Lauren’s FREE course Your Best Pregnancy in a COVID World: 


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Where to find the Growing Our Family Pregnancy podcast:

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Show Notes

What are pregnant women’s top concerns today?

What symptoms would pregnant women typically see a pelvic floor physical therapist for?

Ok, so you help women with exercises and techniques to overcome those symptoms, are there other things that we can be thinking of, maybe BEFORE we have any symptoms?

What other special concerns do people have during pregnancy?

What do people NOT ask about that they really should?

When you are checking in with people online, how are they affected by pregnancy during this time?

Do most pregnancy problems resolve on their own or is there a need for some kind of intervention/treatment?

How can we learn more about some of these topics?