The GreenPath Partner Experience

The GreenPath Partner Experience

Alabama ONE CU – Providing Financial Wellness in the Digital Age

November 25, 2020

In today’s episode, we’re going to turn our focus to Alabama ONE Credit Union (AOCU). We are speaking with AOCU’s Financial Wellness Managers, Jacquie Johnson and Cecilia Waits.

AOCU’s financial wellness team has created a program called “FinTalks.” AOCU creates a newsletter in the first part of the month, much of which is derived from GreenPath content. Then AOCU records a podcast episode that is released the third of week of the month and expands on the topics from the newsletter.

This is a great best practice to provide financial wellness in the digital age. Let’s listen in on how they went about creating this program and the success they’ve had.

Enhance Your Financial Wellness Program

We thank you for investing your time to explore how other credit unions across the country are addressing their members’ needs for financial wellness.

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If you are not yet partnered with GreenPath, consider joining the over 500 other financial institutions that are having an impact on a large scale by delivering a full spectrum of financial wellness services. Visit our website to learn more or contact us at