Greener by Choice

Greener by Choice

Latest Episodes

34-Greener by Choice Expands to Meet its Mission
August 20, 2014

Beyond podcasting about green issues and bringing you interviews with Green Movement Leaders, I’ll now be creating a community so you can receive simple action steps, engage in conversations, and gather the resources you want to enjoy living a green

33-My Mission is Sunny Clear
August 19, 2014

Stay tuned! Greener by Choice is expanding.   I’m so excited to share my weekend’s adventures with you. I’ve been in Dallas, Texas attending Podcast Movement 2014. It offered training for Podcasters by Podcasters. The conference was

32: Giving Back to your Community
August 18, 2014

Today let’s talk about Giving Back. We all know there are many benefits to giving back; you feel better, set a good example, and the world benefits. Plus, part of living a greener lifestyle involves how we care and give back to others that share our

31: The Plastic Shopping Bag Debate Continues
August 15, 2014

The plastic shopping bag debate continues. In episode #27 we talked about how Americans use approximately 102.1 billion plastic bags, creating tons and tons of landfill waste. This number breaks down to the average American family using almost 1,500 plast

30: Lauren Taylor - TerraCycle
August 14, 2014

Lauren Taylor Director of U.S. Public Relations for TerraCycle an international recycling company. TerraCycle converts difficult-to-recycle packaging and product materials into innovative, affordable products. Its partners are among the Who’s Who in

29: Cooking off the Grid: Solar Cooking Part 2
August 13, 2014

Cooking off the grid. No need to turn on the electricity or gas. Use the sun to cook your next meal. In this episode, I’m going to make cooking with the sun simple and easy by sharing some more tips and tricks. A solar cooker is simply a devise that

28: Mark Curran: Black River Produce
August 12, 2014

Mark Curran is founder of Black River Produce. Since its inception in 1978, Black River’s main focus has been distributing locally grown product throughout New England. They now partner with 200 growers and producers with a team of 170 employee

27: Share your shopping bags
August 11, 2014

Do you ever get frustrated when you’re shopping at the grocery store, clothing store, hardware store, or any store for that matter and the clerk asks the person in front of you, “May we bag your order in plastic? and they answer yes. Am I the

26: Conserve Water and Shower with a Buddy
August 08, 2014

Nearly 70 percent of the world is covered by water, but only 2.5 percent of it is fresh. and just 1 percent of our freshwater is easily accessible, with much of it trapped in glaciers and snowfields. Discover 6 more simple ways to conserve water including

25: Rebranding the Doggie Bag
August 07, 2014

How often do you eat out at a restaurant and find that you can’t finish eating the whole meal? Are you someone who wastes the food or brings it home in what we call “the doggie bag”? According to, “As much as 33 mil