Green Crush With Alan Park

Green Crush With Alan Park

Green Crush With Alan Park - Ep 57 = Conspiracy Queries Episode 129

November 20, 2018

Effective October 17, the new Canadian cannabis paradigm of "legal lies" portrays the notion that cannabis is all bad and only bad. You’re not really allowed to promote any positive benefits from cannabis.
Our guest, Straight Cannabis reporter and author Amanda Siebert, promotes all kinds of positive benefits from cannabis.
She knows its truth as a journalist and now with her new book - The Little Book Of Cannabis - Amanda reveals more of what the government ignores in order to craft legislation without those facts - choosing instead to bury the positives under the colour of law, to the best of their (in)ability.Buy Amanda's new book "The Little Book of Cannabis" now at - Support Green Crush! Every dollar helps!
As always, find Green Crush at these fine places online:
http://GreenCrushPodcast.Com - Courtesy of http://CannabizDaily.Co http://Twitter.Com/GreenCrushPod 
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