Great Miami Riverway Hidden Gems

Great Miami Riverway Hidden Gems

Healthy Rivers, Healthy Communities

May 30, 2018

Bob Irvin, President of American Rivers, and Rob Rohr, Market Vice President at Cox Media, talk about the Great Miami River and its impact on economic development, community, and revitalization.

"Rivers and clean water really are the lifeblood of our communities and our economy. In your community, the Great Miami Riverway and the Buried Valley Aquifer are perfect examples. When it comes to bringing people together around rivers, it's important to always keep the question 'why do we care about this,' front and center when people realize that their clean drinking water or the recreation that they enjoy brings benefits for businesses like the breweries, restaurants, and shops that locate along rivers, or the benefits in terms of helping us preserve our cultural heritage," says Bob Irvin.