Greater Than Code

Greater Than Code

240: No Striving, No Hustling with Amelia Winger-Bearskin

June 30, 2021

02:11 - Wampum.Codes

MIT Co-Creation Studio
Mozilla Fellowships
Check out some episodes!

Super-Group - Indigenous Tech, Indigenous Knowledge: as a model for decolonization [Episode]
Weirdness with MorningStar [Episode]
Comedy in the age of Quarantine: A conversation with comedy writer and performer Joey Clift [Episode]
Rock Hands with "Roo": a conversation with DeLesslin "Roo" George-Warren [Episode]

08:13 - Amelia’s Superpower: Being invited to cool parties!

11:26 - Storytelling & Performance

The U.S. Department of Arts and Culture

20:16 - “Indigenous Antecedent Technology”

Decentralized Economies

24:16 - “Ethical Dependencies”

Indigenous wisdom as a model for software design and development
Articulating Values
Community Accountability
Policing vs Accountability

35:48 - Handling Disagreements and Giving Permission to Fail

40:55 - Robert’s Rules of Order

44:23 - “No Striving, No Hustling”

47:33 - Facilitating Communication with Peers

Storytelling Cont’d
Studio Ghibli Storytelling
"Ma" – Negative Space

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CORALINE: Hello and welcome to Episode 240 of the Greater Than Code podcast. My name is Coraline Ada Ehmke. I'm very happy to be with you here today, and I'm also really happy to be here with my great friend, Jamey Hampton.

JAMEY: Thanks, Coraline. I'm glad to be on the show with you, too, and I'm also here with my great friend, Jacob Stoebel.

JACOB: Aw, hello, and I'm going to introduce our guest.

Amelia Winger-Bearskin is an artist and technologist who creates playful work with XR, VR, AI, AR, AV, and other esoteric systems of story and code. Amelia is the founder and host of podcast and the She is a Senior Technical Training Specialist for Contentful and host of the Contentful + Algolia Developer Podcast DreamStacks. She is working on ethics-based dependencies for software development as a Mozilla Fellow embedded at the MIT Co-Creation Studio.

Welcome to the podcast.

AMELIA: Thank you so much! I'm so excited to be here. You all are some of my favorite people, so [laughs] excited to chat on record.

CORALINE: And today's going to be very technical; we’re going to ask you some very technical questions about XR, VR, AI, AR, AV and…

JAMEY: That's a lot of letters.

CORALINE: SP, everything.

AMELIA: [laughs] Yeah, we were at a function. Coding. Yeah, let's crack it. [laughs]

CORALINE: Amelia, just on a personal level, I'm so happy to have you here. You and I have talked before, we're both involved in ethical source, and I’m such an admirer of your work. I'm so happy to have this conversation in public with you today.

AMELIA: Oh, back at you, Coraline. I love ethical source and I've been so excited to join your team of rebels, exciting thinkers, and dreamers. So I'm really excited to be here with you and in community with you.

CORALINE: So Amelia, I first became aware of your work through your project that you did. Well, it's an ongoing project, but I guess, you started it with the Mozilla Fellowship. Can you talk a little bit about that? I think it's really fascinating.

AMELIA: Oh, thank you so much for the opportunity. When I started my Mozilla Fellowship embedded at the MIT Co-Creation Studio, it was actually pre-pandemic. So it was right, but not very much so it was only a couple of months. We got to go to London and meet each other and I got to hang out a little bit at MIT with the Co-Creation fellows. I'm the first full-tim