Greater Than Code

Greater Than Code

232: Outside The Charmed Circle with Tamsin Davis-Langley

April 28, 2021

01:17 - Tamsin’s Superpower: Recognizing Songs Within Seconds

05:08 - Outside the Charmed Circle (Tamsin’s book about gender, sexuality, and spirituality)

The Pagan Community
“Necessarily Brief”

09:09 - Consent in the Mentor/Mentee Relationship (Master/Apprentice)

The Universal Attribution Fallacy
Power Dynamics
Conflicts of Interest
The Word “Politics” - how we negotiate power between groups of greater than one

16:57 - Using Certain Phrases (i.e. “Identity Politics,” “Cancel Culture”) and Divisiveness

We Hate You Now: The Hardest Problem of The Aftertimes
Social Contracts

23:46 - What Is A Person? Individuality & Personhood

Plato & Aristotle
Women, Fire and Dangerous Things: What Categories Reveal About the Mind by George Lakoff
Hegemonic Norms, Privilege & Power

30:01 - “Fringe Communities”; Subcultures and Intersection

How Buildings Learn: Edge Cities
The Queer Community

Using the Word “Queer”

Fear of Powerlessness
The Relationship Between Radicals and Reactionaries
“Outside The Charmed Circle”

Gayle S. Rubin: Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality

44:30 - Individual Experiences Are Not Universally Applicable

Getting People to Care About Other People
Teaching Empathy
Less Hubris, Gatekeeping, and Self-Reinforcing Superiority


Jamey: Conceptualizing that other people are having a different experience than you.

Rein: What are the interactions in a community that empathy leads to and how can we promote those? Helping.

Helping by Edgar H. Schein

Tamsin: The dynamics at the heart of any subculture you care to name really aren’t that dissimilar from one group to another.

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JAMEY: Hello and welcome to Episode 232 of Greater Than Code. I’m one of your hosts, Jamey Hampton, and I’m here with my friend, Rein Henrichs.

REIN: Thanks, Jamey. That is a lot of episodes. I’m here with our guest, Tamsin Davis-Langley who is a white, queer, nonbinary trans femme from a multiethnic family who grew up poor. They spent most of their adult work life as the tech-savvy person in a non-technical office, and are now pursuing a career in digital communications.

Their academic path began in liberal arts, detoured through computer science, and ended with a degree in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies from the University of Washington. Their work explores the ways subcultural communities intersect with non-normative expressions of gender and sexuality. They've written about how the problems of abuse and predation in subcultures are linked to the power dynamics inherent in those groups. Under their nom de plume, Misha Magdalene, they're the author of Outside the Charmed Circle, a book about gender, sexuality, and spirituality.

Tamsin, welcome to the show.

TAMSIN: Thank you so much! It’s a delight to be here.

REIN: So you know what we’re going to ask you.


What is your superpower and how did you acquire it?

TAMSIN: My superpower is that I can, with a relatively high degree of accuracy, listen to the radio and identify the song that's playing within 5 seconds, or so if it was recorded within a specific window of time and basically falls under the very broad umbrella of Western pop music.

This happened because I was bitten by a radioactive record store employee back in the 80s and since then, I've been able to go, “Oh yeah, that's Won't Get Fooled Again by The Who. It's on Who's Next released 1972. Produced by Glen's Johns,” blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and this is a delightful party trick for ge