The Steadcast – Gray Area Farms

The Steadcast – Gray Area Farms

Ep 15: Pig Processing Day, Doneil Freeman on Beekeeping for Beginners

May 18, 2017

We're talking bees and beekeeping for beginners with Doneil Freeman! He and Michael Jordan "The Bee Whisperer" of A Bee Friendly Company in Cheyenne, Wyoming held a class on how to install a new package of bees and new bee "nucs" at Doneil's farm in Calhan. Listen in for a brief summary of the three-day beekeeping class.  What are packages of bees?  What are bee 'nucs'?  Find out in the episode.

But first, we also have our usual "Updates From the Farm":

* These little pigs went to market:  the five "freezer camp" pigs (Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna and Ginny -- as a shout-out to Chicken Thistle Farm's naming conventions for the pigs they used to raise) have been processed. The loading process went remarkably well (don't worry, we know that was beginners' luck), and we narrowly avoided killing them too early on the way to the processor.
* Travis's turkeys are growing well. Listen in to learn how we're teaching Travis the importance of consistency in the feed and care of livestock to actually make a buck in this deal.
* Don't plant outside until Mothers Day, or Memorial Day, or.... ever... in the Rocky Mountain states!

This segment with Doneil is the first of three.  Next time we'll be talking about "wicking beds," and then the third week will be about the Freeman Family's "why" for homesteading.

We have a shout out to the ladies of the "Wine Two Five - Everyday Drinking for Everyday People" podcast. Val, one of the hosts there, donates wine and liquor bottles to our Earthship Home project. Every episode she and Stephanie talk about "what they're drinking" as they're recording. No fancy wines for Doneil and Jason this time, but as you'll be able to tell from the laughter -- and the slower rate of speech across the three segments -- we take our liquid shout-outs to fellow podcasters seriously.
Please support those who support The 'Steadcast!!

* Phoenix 820:  Art Pierson designed the Regenerative Road Trip logo and has worked with other farms, regenerative brands and other companies.
* Regenerative Stewardship:  Tate Smith created a horse grazing plan for Freeman Family Farm. He will be heading down to Gray Area Farm in the summer to work on a multi-species managed rotational grazing system. We're taking our soil building and "pasture-raised life" to a whole 'nother level with his experience and systems.