The Steadcast – Gray Area Farms

The Steadcast – Gray Area Farms

Ep 13: Business Networking for Small Farms and Homesteads, Wardrobe Storage in Tiny Houses (or not)

October 03, 2016


This time on the Steadcast: business networking for homesteaders and small farms featuring an interview with Lynda Cink and Brian Swanson of LnB Connectors, screw-ups of the week, and the struggle of keeping a professsional wardrobe in a Tiny House.

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 4 of The 'Steadcast, the homestead and farmstead podcast you listen in-stead of making the mistakes yourself. As always, this is Jason of Gray Area Farm.

Before we go into the networking topic, let's get through the updates and screw-ups of the week.
How to Store Clothes in a Tiny House For Professionals.
We've been fitting out Barn 2.0 so we can move our storage and utility stuff in there started this week. We bought braces to secure the additional cabinets that we rescued from the school's remodel to the wall so they don't tip over or whatnot since it's a dirt and rock floor in there. Then we can start moving stuff like our storage clothes and such in there. That'll be the biggest improvement to our day-to-day lives yet. The Yuugest struggle for Tiny House livers... and the rest of the person, not just the liver... their spleen too, I guess... is storage of things like clothes when you are a busy professional on the move like Tera Lynn.

Working on the farm and doing writing? I can go full Columbo and rock out my khakis, maybe even one of the two polos I still own if I'm really dressing up for an event like a business networking outing. But as a school administration type, supposedly there's some kind of cultural expectation that Tera Lynn not go to work in one of three different outlets each day. I don't really get it, but she's quite insistent this expectation exists. But in a Tiny, and I've read the same from the RV Full Timers sites, it is a real struggle to store clothes in such a way you can choose something to wear and not wrinkle the everliving crap out stuff. Because also in a tiny, there's noplace to store an ironing board. We get to do the old college trick of laying out an ironing pad on the kitchen slash dining room slash office table.
Try Using the Storage Space Under the Bed -- But Learn From Our Mistakes About "Clothes Storage Bag" Fails
We've solved that for the most part by storing stuff under the master bed, with any backstock, if you want to call it, has been at the storage unit. But every single clothes storage bag we've tried that fits under the bed has ripped to shreds within a week. This has been a terrible thorn in Tera Lynn's side, so it's been very exciting to know that within days that will be solved.

But since it's Gray Area Farm, NOTHING can go exactly to plan. The kids were rough-housing and playing, as kids are wont to do. One of them – they instituted their kid mafia Omerta oath so we can't figure out who exactly did this to us – slammed the barn side door with the wind SO HARD that they broke the door jam at the latch. So now it only stays closed if it's deadbolted. So there's another thing to put on the list to fix around here.
Hacking the Chickshaw
We purchased a whole mess of new chicks a few months ago, and we found our very first tiny pullet egg from one of them yesterday! So that's awesome that they're going to start laying for us here and keeping up their end of the deal.

I have a new Pasture Raised Life column coming out in a couple days describing how much “the first egg” costs and why $2 a dozen eggs from a neighbor with chickens is just about the worst thing ever. But where does the screw-up come in? We're still purely free-ranging these gals, about a hundred yards from where they're supposed to be. And the Chickshaws we built for them based on