The Steadcast – Gray Area Farms

The Steadcast – Gray Area Farms

Ep 8: The first volunteer day of the year and raising dinosaurs on the farm

February 09, 2016

Hello there podcast listeners, and thanks for pulling up The 'Steadcast, the homestead and farmstead podcast you listen to instead of making the mistakes yourself. This is Jason from Gray Area Farm.

In this episode, we have our obligatory updates about things that have been going on around the farm, especially the big Groundhog Day Blizzard of 2016 here in the Pikes Peak region.

The winter egg strike is over, and production is slowly ramping back up. We also had the first 'beta test' of a volunteer work day here at Gray Area Farm, wherein we worked on the floating walls of the utility room / washing station in the barn. What are floating walls and why are they needed in places with expansive soils and frost heaving? Listen to the show and find out.

Could we call the podcast "How to Train Your Chicken?" Well, Dreamworks' legal department might have something to say about it, but I share an anecdote about Travis and my discussion about this XKCD cartoon that says "by any reasonable definition, birds [chickens] are closer related to T. Rex than T. Rex was to Stegosaurus."  So if chickens are dinosaurs and dragons are dinosaurs, then when you're trying to "train your chickens" to nest in certain spots, then you're "trying to train your dragon." It's kid logic, but it works.

Please consider pledging your support and undying love for the 'Steadcast and what we're trying to do here at Gray Area Farm to advance regenerative agriculture and local food by visiting our Patreon page. Even a dollar helps, and the higher levels of support come with fun benefits like farm store credit and sponsorship opportunities for your own business.