American Infidel Live

American Infidel Live

Only two ways to make the Department of Veterans Affairs better

May 30, 2014

VA Secretary Eric Shinseki resigns. Will this make the Department of Veterans Affairs better ? Will this have any long term impact at all. No, this only matters in the world of politics. No one is talking about any real long term plans to make the VA better. There has been many problems with the VA for many years. The government is just not capable of giving vets the care they need. They have shown this time and time again. We just can't keep waiting on the government as they keep trying to get it right. 10 years from now I'm sure we will be talking about the problems with the VA. They are only two ways to make the VA better.

Number 1 - Do not tie down the vets to VA hospitals for care. Vets should be able to go to any hospital , any doctor at any time. And this should not costs the Vets any extra money. This should have always been the way the VA worked.

Number 2 - Fire everyone at the Department of Veterans Affairs. Staff the VA hospitals with military personnel. Make the VA a division of the Department of Defense. This would streamlined paperwork and processing time.

I think these are the only two options. I don't think anything else will make any difference.


