Good Friends and Fez's Podcast

Good Friends and Fez's Podcast

Good Friends and Fez Episode 23 - Hungover Halloween

October 29, 2013

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[0:50] "General Chitchat" - A non-Halloween themed segment, where the guys catch up with some general chitchat and discuss Facebook etiquette as well as patterns in Facebook friends.
[9:04] "Ghost Busters" - Everyone tells a story about where they had a spooky or supernatural experience and then BUST IT! by explaining what probably actually happened.
[25:35] "Mass-Debate" - The pod crew is split in two as they debate whether or not Trick or Treating (and Halloween in general) should be banned in Australia.
[37:34] "Scary Tales and Nursery Crimes" - The abridged version of four classic fairy tales and nursery rhymes is told, each with a Halloween twist.
[49:07] "Repression Possessions" - The GFAF crew members each recall freaky moments, which have had a lasting impact on them.
[59:34] "Twitter Questions" - Listener questions this week cover; video game consoles, hypothetical voice acting gigs and celebrity dance shows.