Go For It Show

Go For It Show

073 Living Happy Inside Out

February 04, 2015

Maura Sweeney, of  Maura4U: Live Happy - Inside Out, joins the Go For It Show to share her thoughtful insights that inspire others to discover their own personal happiness and authentic living. Her personal story of finding her own happiness, despite external expectations and social pressures holds motivational value for all of us.

“Going for it doesn’t have to be, ‘the world said to do it this way’.  There are so many ways to find yourself doing what you want to do and pursuing what you really love…Nothing will really happen if you don’t go for it.”

A few gems from the show include:

Guidance on motivation.  -Find what makes you happy, find what it is that makes you want to jump out of the bed in the morning and do because it fires you up on the inside

How to let your desire to be happy exceed your fear of failure.

Insights into happiness as a value.  - So many people have personal wealth just waiting to be discovered, but we undervalue ourselves.

“Every one of us has felt overwhelmed and hopeless - just do one new thing that you’ve never done before, even if it’s extremely tiny - but doing that one new thing helps open a door of light and literally brings inspiration, encouragement and fuel to your heart, and reminds you that you CAN! Any number of challenges, any stage of life or age - there is always a way to open up a door to something new.  ‘I don’t know what it is yet, or how yet I’m going to do that one new thing, but I will have that moment of enlightenment’. It is doable.  We can do new things, learn new things and expand ourselves in ways we never knew we could before.”

A former corporate manager and home schooling mom, Maura Sweeney's currently enjoying her third act as both entrepreneur and best selling publisher.  Maura is a regular contributor to Huffington Post and has also appeared in Better After 50, Midlife Boulevard, Match.com, Tampa Bay Times, Boston Globe, Expanded Consciousness, Britain’s BBC Radio, Project Eve, Spirited Woman and a number of radio and podcast talk shows. Maura is a graduate of Boston College and has traveled to over 40 foreign countries! She and her husband, Jim, live in Florida.

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