Glorian Podcast

Glorian Podcast

Latest Episodes

Sexual Transmutation, Alchemy, & Tantra
May 11, 2020

An introduction to the universal teachings on sexual transmutation, also known as alchemy or tantra. Explains the following (and more): The Golden Bowl of Buddha. The Ark of the Covenant Crossing the Jordan River. Jesus Turing Water into Wine at the...

Psychological Death
April 20, 2020

Recording of online class and meditation practice.

Mindfulness, Spaciousness, Emptiness
March 21, 2020

Mindfulness is paying attention to our experience. Mindfulness has a quality of openness, being open to the experience of the moment without avoidance or distortion. Spaciousness is what is directly experienced when mental content (thoughts and...

Gnostic Psychology
February 16, 2020

Spiritual Knowledge & The Awakening of the Soul

December 22, 2019

“The “Theomertmalogos” weaves and unweaves its own loom with infinite wisdom. All of Nature is the loom of God. The Four-and-twentieth Mystery only functions by way of the Sixth Mystery.” - Samael Aun Weor,

Esoteric Christianity 07 Well & Ladder of Jacob
December 22, 2019

Explains the secrets behind the story of the woman and Jesus at the Well of Jacob, Jacob’s Ladder, the Jacob’s Stone Pillar, and Jacob’s Struggle with God. Slides (with quotes and references) found at the course home: Reviews the three primary...

Winter Solstice
December 22, 2019

And The Truth Shall Set You Free
November 09, 2019

Beginning Here and Now

Compassion 04 Transform Suffering into Wisdom
October 15, 2019

Suffering has a cause. When we perceive the cause, we can then apply the remedy. How do we know that suffering can be cured? Because of this simple law of nature: “A superior law overpowers an inferior law.” To cure suffering, we start by...

Compassion 03 Three Ways to Acquire Compassion
September 26, 2019

To develop and expand compassion, the basis of liberation from suffering, one needs to know how to preserve and harness the substance of compassion (שמן, bodhichitta). This has three essential practical actions: Transmutation Transformation...