Mental Kevlar

Mental Kevlar

HLP 7: HLP's do not Discredit others Accomplishments or use Execuses

September 12, 2015

For High Level Performers a form of Soul Food is to see other people's success in life. HLP's LOVE seeing other people become successful and enjoy finding out how they did it. For them, the real life stories of people who have risen up to become successful, from wherever they came and whatever they went through, is worth Gold.
A true HLP would NEVER even DREAM of attempting to discredit via rationalization the method or means of which another became successful. This is merely an excuse to not have to step into your own power. This is not the path of the HLP either, this is the path of the lesser being.
The Higher path is one in which you gain motivation and inspiration from the accomplishments of others and use this as the vital Life Force to propel you forward to new heights of accomplishment.