Mental Kevlar

Mental Kevlar

MK 17: Why I Use a Fake Name at Starbucks

June 12, 2017

A readily agreeable characteristic of World Class Performers, Artists, and Olympic Athletes is that they don't really live in the 'real world.' Another way of saying this is that they create their own reality. Why? How? They do it because if they were to pay attention to the physical reality they are surrounded by they would go nowhere and achieve nothing. Instead they follow the vision within their mind. They follow the fantasy reality that they have constructed within their imagination. How? They begin to visualize, purposefully, every day the reality that they want to create. The corollary to this is that they must tune out the noise, the mass mind projections from people who do not believe as they do. This is where Starbucks comes into play. The phrase 'And your name?' is an indoctrination and mental entrainment into a corporate culture of consumption. It is not designed to be friendly, it's designed to get you to consume (and spend)...over and over again. Average people enjoy it because it makes them feel special or 'noted' throughout their day. World Class Performers can't stand it because it is a distraction from their personal power. It is a pull from higher vibrations of world class performance down to lower, mass mind robotization. Personal admission: I LOVE Starbucks. I'm even drinking a grande ice mocha as a write this. So am I a hypocrite? If I had  said 'I don't drink Starbucks' or 'Why you shouldn't drink Starbucks' then, yes, I would be. But that's not what I said. I just know there is something sinister about having a total stranger say your first name more times in one paragraph than your own mother does in an entire year. Another disclaimer: I've made friends with a lot of the baristas at Starbucks. But, always on my own terms and never because someone incessantly fires out my first name at me. A big part of Mental Kevlar is teaching you, the would be achiever and world class performer, how to protect your subconscious mind. It's game time and the world is waiting for you. __________________________________________________________________ Subscribe here to stay on the leading edge: Learn more about Mental Kevlar's services here: To book for Speaking: Check for Coaching/Consulting Availability here: To schedule a quick 30 minute coaching call email: