Girls on the Big Blue Couch™ Podcast

Girls on the Big Blue Couch™ Podcast

The Team That Prays Together

April 05, 2015

The Team That Prays Together

The Girls on the Big Blue Couchâ„¢ Show

Episode 54

Praying as a team can be a powerful tool no matter what industry you find yourself in. In November 2014 we challenged ourselves to begin a weekly team prayer call. This has become one of the most important meetings of our week! We look forward to it, we encourage each other, we pray for YOU, and we've become more united as a team because of it. Listen in as we share a secret to our team unity and give you some leadership lessons that we've learned and applied as the team that prays together!

ACTION STEPS: Do you pray as a team? If so, share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section below! We can't wait to hear from you...

We are so thankful for each and every one of you and it’s our honor to help you each and every week overcome obstacles and live your live with purpose and passion. Make sure you pop over to Facebook and Twitter to join our growing community of overcomers and interact with us live each day!

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