Great Gildersleeves – Retro Radio Podcast

Great Gildersleeves – Retro Radio Podcast

Great Gildersleeve – Lightfoot Visits Leila.mp3ep181, 451021

August 14, 2019

Since Leila Ransom isn’t home, Gildersleeve accepts delivery of a letter for her. Will the special delivery letter be too tempting to keep from snooping? Gildy finds out soon enough that its from an old flame. Leila tells about the pact she made with Lightfoot. Will Gildy agree to meet the man? Why should he? Lightfoot may be a good dancer, but can Gildy woo Leila with his singing?
Weary from a hard day in the water department, Gildersleeve is visited by Judge Hooker. He is concerned that Leila is doing something foolish that could endanger her finances. Running an errand, Gildersleeve picks up some fingernail polish from Peavy’s drugstore. Making it back to Leila’s, she seems distant and cold towards Gildy. When Lightfoot arrives, will there be some kind of showdown?
The southern gentleman tells how the new south is more industrious than in the past. The gents hit on common ground, but its Leila who is left in the cold. She would rather discuss parties and hospitality, than spreadsheets and finances. A chapter in Leila’s life may be passing when Lightfoot is to wed another, but she still has Gildersleeve.