Giant Fire Breathing Robot

Giant Fire Breathing Robot

Pyronauts Episode 41: Blizzard is my Master now

August 19, 2015

Boom. Classic Star Wars reference. Because that’s how the Pyronauts roll.
It’s also rather appropriate, given that we spend at least half this episode dissecting the unveiling of the next World of Warcraft expansion, Legion. Andrew and I managed to get sucked back into the game just far enough ahead of the reveal to allow us to feel smug and superior, and not at all like filthy casuals who only came back because they love the look of Demon Hunters.
Before we got sucked into that though, we discussed some of the other happenings in the industry:

* Resident Evil 2 may bet getting an official remake
* Everyone got hot and bothered about a possible Final Fantasy 12 Remaster
* Fallout 4 Pipboy edition is sold out
* China has lifted its ban on console imports, which I never knew about, and what that might mean for the future of the industry, given the phenomenal size of the potential audience in China
* Konami sounds like a hellish place to work

We also managed to run long, and to work in an extra delay in getting the show published, so you have my apologies for both.
Well, maybe not for the first part.
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