Get Things Done!

Get Things Done!

Raise Your Energy Level (Part 7)

November 16, 2015

Proverbs 22:29 says: "Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men."
Our quote for today is from Babe Ruth. He said: "It's hard to beat a person who never gives up."
Today, in the Get Things Done podcast we are looking at Part 7 of Step 5: "Raise Your Energy Level."
Today, we will conclude our look at some physical and psychological factors that can affect our desire to work.
Edwin Bliss writes:
If you are one of the countless millions of people whose procrastination problems are caused -- or intensified -- by chronic fatigue, then doing something about this infirmity should be your top priority project.
Don't arbitrarily rule out medical reasons -- that's a job for a physician. How long has it been since your last checkup? Have you discussed your chronic fatigue with your doctor? Remember, it may be symptomatic of a number of ailments, so be sure to mention it. And if you're overdue for a checkup, can you think of a better time than this moment to make an appointment?
Once you've eliminated the possibility of conditions requiring medical treatment, you've placed yourself in the much larger group of people whose fatigue problems are their own fault, a result of some type of self-indulgence. Since what's at stake here is much more than just the procrastination habit -- it's your health, your energy, your longevity, your zest for living that we're talking about -- resolve to begin immediately to do those commonsense things you know very well you should do.
While you're in the mood, seal your good intentions by writing down what steps you intend to take. Then celebrate your decision by taking a good brisk walk, or by getting some other appropriate exercise, signaling the beginning of a new routine.