Get It Together Girl!

Get It Together Girl!

It's Time for Love! - Finding It, Keeping It, Spicing It Up!

January 21, 2016

Love, most of us either have it or want it. If you are fine without it, great! But this show is for the ones looking for love or who have love and are looking to spice it up.

Lori Ann Davis is a certified relationship specialist and author of Unmasking Secrets to Unstoppable Relationships: How to Find, Keep and Renew Love and Passion in Your Life. She stopped by and shared some great tips on finding love, becoming irresistible and reigniting love if you ave been in a long term relationship. We had a fun and informative discussion. She actually had me ready to get out of my recliner, get the dog out of my lap and actually go out and look for love!

In fact, she's got a great offer. If you mention Get It Together Girl, she is offering a free strategy session to anyone who calls and if you decide to go with a coaching package, you'll get 25% off.


Book:Unmasking Secrets to Unstoppable Relationships: How to Find, Keep and Renew Love and Passion in Your Life


Plus stay tuned after the interview for the story of Jake the Wonder Dog! It really is all about that Jake and if you like the intro music, hear the full version here (complete with a cameo from Jake!): Click Here!