Get It Together Girl!

Get It Together Girl!

Girls Getting It Together - Old Boobs, Unapolegetic Cougars and What We’re Watch

February 25, 2016

It’s the last Thursday of the month so it is time for the Girls to Get It Together. So what are we talking about this month.

First off, we are talking about Boob-gate. Gasp! Susan Sarandon set the Twitter-verse on fire at the beginning of the month when she wore a black bra and white tuxedo jacket to do the In Memorandum during the Grammys. Is she too old to bare breast? Was it inappropriate for the in memoriam? We’ll talk about Susan and we’ll expand our discussion to talk about what is age-appropriate clothing all about.

Then, we’ll talk about dating. Specifically, who we’re dating and how old or how young they are. Who is a cougar? And who is a kitten (the opposite of a cougar – I kind of just made that up).

Finally, we’ll end by talking about what we’re watching on television and why?

And, as always, we’ll have an hour of fun, feisty, fun! Grab your favorite drink, listen live and call in! (917) 889-3205