Get Around To It

Get Around To It

Zoom call edition: The Invisible Man, The Platform, Brian Deady, Portrait of a Lady on Fire

April 07, 2020

HELLO! First things first - we hope you're doing ok during this very, very strange time.

Secondly - the quality on this recording is not what you've come to expect from GATI (er, middling at best?) but in these trying times it was the best we could do in the moment. Rest assured that if the quality is not to your taste, for our next episode we'll sound heaps better.

Thanks for sticking with us, and do check out our back episodes if this episode isn't for you. Aoife & Lauren

Featured on this months's episode:

Portrait of a Lady on Fire
The Invisible Man

The Trip to Greece
Race ACross the World
Bon Appetit videos

Brian Deady
Margaret Glaspy
Rufus Wainwright

David Nicholls
Benjamin Myers