Gen Y Chronicles Podcast

Gen Y Chronicles Podcast

GenYChron Ep. 0003 – The sensitivity epidemic in the Western world - Gen Y Chronicles Podcast

April 29, 2018

Show summary
On this podcast episode we explore what’s causing the sensitivity epidemic: political correctness run amok, micro aggressions, helicopter parenting, trigger warnings, Scent Free Around Me, censorship at universities, safe spaces, etc. We live in a society where we have to constantly walk on egg shells or risk being labelled a social pariah. Let’s dive deep into the root causes and get to the bottom of it (or at least try to grasp the “what” and the “why”).
Show notes
- Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan and Simon Sinek

- The generation line-up

- Millennials... Are we entitled?

- The root issue and parenting methods

- Jordan Peterson’s theory about helicopter parenting (YouTube link)

- Shrinking families

- The helicopter parenting epidemic and safe spaces

- Safe spaces, micro aggressions and trigger warnings

- Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (Joe Rogan Experience #1081 - Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying)

- The university culture in Europe (Austria and Germany)

- “Who’s for capital punishment, who’s against capital punishment? Let’s see a show of hands.”

- The millennial “cocoon”

- A culture of rewarding everything

- “People are very direct in Germany; I think that’s a great thing”

- The Scent Free Around Me movement (Journal article)

- Rick Mercer said everyone has become a little too sensitive (News article)

- Allergy policies in Canada vs. Germany

- Bouncy castle caution

- A father in British Columbia gets in trouble for letting his kids use public transit alone (News article)

- What’s the right age to allow your kid to have a cell phone?