The Genuine Hypnosis Happiness Podcast – NLP, hypnotherapy, self-help, happiness, non-duality, Buddh

The Genuine Hypnosis Happiness Podcast – NLP, hypnotherapy, self-help, happiness, non-duality, Buddh

Happiness02: Transformational Life Coach, Teacher of Metaphysics, Empath, Dawn Lamond

April 02, 2013

I don't know how to introduce my second interviewee of the Genuine Hypnosis Happiness Podcast. Writer, teacher, intuitive, empath, life coach, you name it! But words are so often insufficient and, in the case of our next guest, Dawn Lamond ... you've just gotta meet her. And, fortunately, you can, here!
Dawn, has an incredible life story and I'm so pleased she agreed to share it with us. She was so frank when talking about her parents' deaths. But it's clear that the loss of both her parents around the age of 27 ultimately caused a seismic shift in her personal development.
It was almost as if she had to lose everything in order to gain everything. The loss of her parents, along with being an only child, was followed by a string of illnesses, unemployment, relationships breaking up, the loss of a home ... for Dawn, life just fell apart.
Then she suddenly experienced ... stillness ... calmness, clarity, she felt the amazement of just being. And she heard a voice that said:
"You are she who stands and looks both ways"
This was a benevolent force. It was kind, accepting and seemed like unconditional love.
Dawn mentions some of the people, places and books that helped her at this point. Her mother, before she died, had been on which Dawn then spent some time on, finding The Beacons of Light by Steve Rother particularly useful.
Bookswise, Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach is a particular favorite of hers as is anything else written by that author. She also has drawn great wisdom from Adyashanti, in particular, Spontaneous Awakening.
She has received training with Rose Rosetree.
Your soul is perfect, a pure divine spark
During Dawn's training with Rose Rosetree, she was given a flower and asked what the flower was doing. "It's giggling," replied Dawn. This is an insight into the way Dawn sees everyone and everything. She sees everyone's higher, giggling, truer self before she sees what everyone else sees.
On Dawn's Google+ Profile, she maps out the reasons our lives unfold in the way that they do.
No matter how confusing, hurtful, empty or painful your life may seem, Dawn believes that "life is in harmony with you at all times, a perfect representation of you and your current focus". She believes that our apparent ‘wounds’ are our 'curriculum'. Joys and miseries serve life. These experiences are the perfect way to reveal to you the wonder that you are, and helping you come to know yourself and life intimately.
You can do it!
You can get to know yourself properly and live from the stillness that Dawn speaks of. I would advise anyone to get in touch with Dawn as I'm sure she can help you. I guess we all could do with Dawn appreciating our higher giggling self!
Thanks, Dawn, for what was a memorable interview! Let's end with Dawn's mother's last words. Three of the most caring, calming, reassuring words in the world: love is there.
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