Geekspeak Guides

Geekspeak Guides

Your website is too slow – FIX IT!

March 30, 2015

If your site loads slowly on desktop, laptop or mobile, you need to find out why and fix it. We'll walk you through some testing tools on our site in a worksheet to go with this show.



After you test your speed and determine where your site hangs on loading, you can fix it or ask your developer to fix it. Make sure they are not just yanking your chain claiming they can speed it up and use the information from the "before" reports you'll generate.
Typical culprits to slow website loading times:
HUGE slider images
Slider images
Images in posts that were not resizes first and rely on plugins and scripts to resize on display
CSS - cascading style sheets that call to images - especially if they call to broken images or LARGE images
Scripts you don't need
Scripts that undo other scripts and cause conflicts and battles behind the scenes
Redundant CSS items.
Outdated plugins.
DNS - Domain Name Server issues - records not set properly for your www and @ record to resolve.

​00:40 WordPress re-size vers. downsize
01:20 The image size you buy is not the image size you use for your website
01:50 72 dpi is plenty Check out our image show :
03:33 Where is your image going to be seen?
04:10 Using a plugin to smush and re-size your images?
04:30 How to figure out which size of an image you need : tool tip chrome extension:
05:00 Learn how to re-size images and make sure your naming makes sense and includes the size
07:30 To use slider or not to use, that is the question
10:15 How many slider images should you have?
11:22 Sliders on mobile
12:00 Test, review, and have others look
12:45 Consider your viewers data plan, BIG sites need BIG data



13:13 Optimize your mobile website
14:00 Picture gallery or slider?
15:00 How fast is your site? Sign up to receive our checklist :
15:45 What might slow down your site?
17:00 CDN - What is it and what does it do?
18:00 Overwidgeting your site will slow it down, watch our widget show :
18:18 Old scripts, time to clean up
18:50 Clean your database
19:23 Vet your technical personal and web designer
21:24 Collaboration is the key
22:08 The goals is a well working site
23:00 Make sure the check references


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