SQPN: Geek Week

SQPN: Geek Week

GWK062: The New Battlestar Galactica

December 14, 2015

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In this episode:

I'll be seeing Star Wars on Tuesday! Help me by filming your experience of The Force Awakens [1:00]
NASA solves Ceres' bright spots mystery  and advises the Empire on building a Death Star [6:30]
Luis Escobar chimes in on Marvel vs. DC. [17:00]
Looking for the next Battlestar Galactica [36:30]
The Expanse books are really good. Two book authors Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck - collectively known as James S. A. Corey - talk about working on the TV adaptation


Links from this episode:

* NASA solves Ceres' bright spots mystery
* NASA: How to build a better Death Star
* Looking for the next Battlestar Galactica
* Colony by Carlton Cuse (wired article | official website)
* The Expanse's TV adaptation