

Zack Ward talks Restoration & just comeuppance - Geekline415

May 03, 2016

Ever since we first saw McFly punch out Biff in Back to the Future we really have looked forward to characters in film, tv, comics and all kinds of stories getting exactly what is coming to them.  Who better to have this kind of discussion with than Zack Ward?  He’s been in movies such as Transformers, Resident Evil, and a famous role where his character gets his own just comeuppance in A Christmas Story when Ralphie knocks the hell out of Zack Ward ‘s character Scut Farkus.

Zack Ward is an unapologetic, absolutely tell it like it is kind of guy.  He is brutally honest, and a straight out geek-man if one ever existed.  Zack fits in with the brotherly brutality that is the Geekline415 crew perfectly.   He doesn’t mix his words and is the kind of guy you just want to keep buying shots for.  Zack Ward is a bit of a rare breed in Hollywood.  A guy who will actually tell you your movie is “No bueno” but then bend over backwards to help you make the next one better.
We were able to talk with Zack about some of the times he remembers in comics and movies a character who reaps what he sows including another one of his characters in the movie Don’t Blink (another must see in our opinion).
What is this new Zack Ward movie Restoration?
Restoration, Zack Ward ‘s new flick, is one of those indie movies we love.  It’s not trying to be fake artsy and it’s just telling a simple, classic type horror/suspense story that gives you a thrill along the way.
Restoration, which Zack writes, co-produces, and directs, is one of those movies that just about everyone gets exactly what is coming to them.  A tale of just comeuppance as far as we’re concerned.  Don’t all people this good looking really deserve that bitter sweet just desert?
Restoration is in theaters May 3rd, with releases on your favorite VoD platform soon-after and available on DVD on Amazon August 16th.
You can follow Zack Ward on Twitter: @TotalZackWard
or you can find him on Facebook at:
Check out the trailer for Restoration here:

**** Here is a copy of DM’s review as posted on IMDB and Amazon ****
As one of the first reviewers, I think it is incumbent upon me to mention I am not in any way connected to the movie. This review is completely independent. I am not in the movie industry or anything of the sort. I was lucky enough to see the movie as it was suggested to me among a long list of titles, and I am very glad I did.
Zack Ward, who you may recognize from Transformers, Resident Evil or A Christmas Story, takes his first shot at directing in this film. Along with his cohort and horror genera regular James Cullen Bressack, Zack Ward produces and takes on a major role in the film. Ward does a superb job figuring out a balance of what is needed to make a good movie on a budget. He doesn’t over-do-it with cheap thrills, gallons of corn syrup blood, or anything of the sort. He allows the story to take shape naturally without forcing us immediately to conclusions.
Our story follows Todd Jordon, played by a surprise sleeper hit, Adrian Gaeta and his wife,