The Lesser Known Geek Hall Of Fame

The Lesser Known Geek Hall Of Fame

Flash Gordon

July 09, 2019

The first Flash Gordon strip was published in January 1934. Raymond was the only person credited for the strip, but he did have ghostwriters helping with the writing while he supplied the artwork. The initial story, which became known as "Flash Gordon On The Planet Mongo", is what many of the subsequent adaptions have been based on.

Three Flash Gordon serials were released in theaters. Former Olympic swimmer turned actor Buster Crabbe portrayed Flash in all three serials, opposite James Middleton’s Emperor Ming.

The series went on to be regarded as one of Filmation’s best series. Each episode was a chapter in an ongoing story, complete with a summary of events in the opening moments, much like the original serials. It ran for two seasons and ended its run in 1981.

The 1980 feature film is the adaption modern generations are familiar with. It’s probably just as famous, if not more so, for the music soundtrack by Queen.