Geek Fitness: Health Hacks - Running and Weight Loss for Nerds and Geeks

Geek Fitness: Health Hacks - Running and Weight Loss for Nerds and Geeks

S1E31 - Running a 5k and playing Darksiders II on #FitGeekFriday

February 24, 2017

This week's #FitGeekFriday is full of all kinds of awesome. Let's cut to the chase and get to the cool stuff! Darksiders II: Deathfinitive Edition First up, I am playing a ton of Darksiders II thanks to @cbdroege, my awesome audiobook narrator, and @13th_story. They told me it was like Zelda for adults, and since I own the HD remasters from a Humble Bundle sale, I jumped right in, and it'a awesome. If you want to try it, head over to and grab it for yourself. (Yep, I know. Shameless affiliate sponsorship, but it's totally worth it!) Running a 5k again! I didn't die! I also ran a 5k this week! The first one since September. It was pretty hard, but thanks to Void in this week's episode of Geek to Geek, my competitive side jumped out and had to make sure I did what he could do. So thanks, buddy! Now it's your turn! Head outside and do what you can, fitgeeks! You gotta make sure to get that blood pumping this weekend! Side Hustle School, or as I like to call it...the streets That was a really bad joke. I regret nothing. My friend told me about a really cool new podcast his brother does called I didn't know a thing about it, but I really like it because it's a daily 5-7 minute podcast about side income streams that you can do with things you might have never thought about. You should totally go listen. I'm working my way through the archives now. It even inspired me to work on my own side hustle (like I don't have enough already?) that directly relates to this blog and podcast. So I will let you know when I have that ready to discuss. Proactive anxiety counseling FTW And then, last but not least, I'm going to my counselor again, yay! I am excited to see her for my periodic tune-up so that she can see how I'm doing, catch up, and really just make sure that I am on the right path from when we met last. You guys know I'm a big proponent of self-care, and that means that even when things are going well, you need to be proactive to make sure that things keep going well, ya know? If you feel the need, please go see a counselor. I am not kidding when I say that she pretty much saved my life over the past year and a half. If you need to talk and help with how to approach it, please email me at I've set that up just for this kind of thing. So that's it for my part of #FitGeekFriday! What cool stuff have you discovered this week? Let us know by sounding off in the comments, or using the #FitGeekFriday hashtag on Twitter! Have a great weekend, and stay shiny, fitgeeks!