Geek Fitness: Health Hacks - Running and Weight Loss for Nerds and Geeks

Geek Fitness: Health Hacks - Running and Weight Loss for Nerds and Geeks

S1E25 - #runstreak day 17 - a simple way to make sure you drink enough water

November 04, 2016

Seventeen days in a row, fitgeeks! 17! Wahoo! I just ran 17 days in a row, and I am so tired. Today's run was hard. I only went a single mile, and I ran every step. It was hard to get out the door. But I did. And I'm glad I did. I feel a lot better now that I have been moving around some and saw the sun.  I think part of the reason I'm so tired is that I haven't been drinking enough water. All I've had to drink between 6am and 2pm is a cup of coffee. Then I went to run. Sooo yeah, I'm probably a bit thirsty. You would think that after I gave myself kidney stones from not drinking enough when I was on phentermine, I'd have learned my lesson. Apparently not. My buddy Chris (@chrisevans17 on Twitter) came up with a really brilliant way to track water. All you've gotta do is put something (he uses rubber bands) on your water bottle, and you can magically see how much water you've drunk during the day. It's awesome, and it's simple.  Much simpler than an app where you keep a virtual flower alive, amirite? And in super geeky news, I am gonna go see Doctor Strange tonight! Yay! I haven't been as excited as I figured I would be about this one, but that's okay. I am getting there now. I really like the character, so I can't wait to talk about it on next week's Geek to Geek podcast with Void. If you're not familiar with Doctor Strange, Rob from The Comic Box podcast did a wonderful primer for you to listen to before seeing the movie. How terribly sweet of him. I'll let y'all know how I like it. Until next time, fitgeeks, stay shiny!